Enhancing Units

By fusing unwanted units into a base unit, you can raise the base unit's level and other stats.

Enhancing requires both gil and material units.
Material units will disappear, so make sure you do not use your favorite units as material units.
If material units have any equipment or abilities, they will return automatically to your equipment and ability inventories.
Tap the Sort and Filter button in the upper right if you wish to narrow down your selection of base units or material units.

Enhanceable units will appear on the Select Base screen.
After you select a base unit, the Enhance Unit screen will appear.

On the Enhance Unit screen, five material unit slots will appear.
Tap one of the slots to go to the Select Materials screen.
If you want to change the base unit, tap Change Base to return to the Select Base screen.

The Select Material units is where you can select material units for enhancement.
Units in parties, favorited units, and locked units will not appear.
Depending on which units you select, the experience points gained and gil spent displayed at the bottom of the screen will vary.
After making your selection, tap OK to return to the Enhance Unit screen.

After you selecting material units and tap the Fuse button, fusion will take place.
The base unit will gain the number of experience points shown at the bottom of the screen.
If the unit gains enough experience to level up, the level up animation will play and its resulting stats will appear in green.
When that happens, tap anywhere on the screen to continue.
To skip to the final enhancement results, tap the Skip button in the lower right.

Note that enhancing a unit will not raise its burst skill level.